Saturday 10 November 2018


Grammar/ tata bahasa
Vocabulary of Common noun/ perbendaharaan kata benda umum.

Egg: telur
Shellfish: kerang
Oyster: tiram
Diamond: intan/berlian
Jewel: permata
Benzoin: kemenyan
Necklace: kalung
Eardrops: anting-anting
Ring: cincin
Balsom: balsam
Petrol: bensin
Solar: solar
Cell cage: sel tahanan
Cage: kurungan/sangkar
Grating: jeruji
Tomb: kubur/makam
Key: kunci                                               
Rainbow: pelangi
Mosquito net: kelambu
Net: jala/jarring
Stable: kandang
Kennel: kandang anjing
Hen house: kandang ayam
Loose box: kandang kuda
Cot: kandang kambing
Hutch: kandang kelinci
Button: kancing
Drum: tong drum/tambur
Trash bin: tong sampah
Rubbish basket: keranjang sampah
Cudgel: gada
Rope: tali
Chair: kursi
Table: meja
Desk: meja kecil
Door: pintu
Window: jendela
Drawer: laci
Sofa: kursi bantal
Bookcase: lemari buku
Rack: rak
Bench: bangku
Seat: tempat duduk
Cupboard: lemari pajangan
Icebox: lemari es
Wardrobe: lemari
Ornament: hiasan
Decoration: hiasan
Glass: kaca

Full quiz
Translate practice/ latihan menerjemahkan
1.       President Jokowi’s son that called Raka will marry in this month. In these several days the president’s family is being in Solo, the city where they lived before stay in Jakarta since Jokowi had been a governor in Jakarta and now be a president. Raka will gets married with the girl who is called  Selfie. Selfie was the winner in Solo woman contest in 2009. Raka and Selfie met each other in that event and they began to have a relation ship since their meeting at the moment. After six years to engage now they will get married.

2.       The separatist movement that be called ISIS (Islamic State in Irac and Suriah) attacks the evacuation camp of Palestinian people in Yarmouk Suriah. The palestinian take a shelter there from war in Palestina. Although they are the refugees, ISIS still attacks the place and 
wants to take away the place where they are sure as the strategic place for attacks the others area in Suriah. The militants army Hammaz that always support Palestinian finally interferes in the conflict against ISIS in Middle East. Some civilian armies take a part with Hammaz to combat ISIS in Suriah after the aggression there, in that evacuation camp.

Noun classification/ pengelompokan kata benda
Classify these nouns to be correct with their group.
1.       Pig  dog  sheep  lion                                a. metals
2.       Iron  silver  copper  lead                         b. trees
3.       Shirt  tie  blouse  dress                           c. birds
4.       Wren  pigeon  thrush  hawk                    d. cereals
5.       Beech  poplar  oak  willow                      e.clothes
6.       Cousin  uncle  nephew  aunt                    f. animals
7.       Maize  wheat  barley  oats                      g. relatives

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