Saturday 6 October 2018


Sk kel : Nomor 14/A3.2019/II/2015
Sk Dinas Pendidikan : 93/UPTD/TU/4 - 2015

Grammar/tata bahasa
Introductory “there”
Sebelumnya kita telah belajar there sebagai kata pengantar kalimat yang berarti ada dalam kalimat berkata benda tunggal, sekarang kita belajar memperdalam “there” dalam kalimat berkata benda jamak.
Contoh kalimat:
There are goods in the room.
Ada barang-barang di dalam ruangan.
There are cutleries in the kitchen.
Ada alat-alat dapur di dapur.
There are clothes in the bucket.
Ada pakaian-pakaian di dalam Loyang/ember.
Jika hendak membuat menjadi kalimat tanya maka kita hanya perlu menaruh “to be” nya di depan kalimat.
Contoh kalimat:
Are there goods in the room?
Are there cutleries in the kitchen?
Are there clothes in the bucket?
Jika kita hendak membuat kalimat jamak dengan tambahan keterangan jumlah maka kita dapat memakai keterangan angka atau kata-kata seperti di bawah ini:
a lot of: banyak
a lots: banyak
more: lebih banyak
very a lots: sangat banyak
very a lot of: sangat banyak
some: beberapa
contoh kalimat:
There are a lot of umbrellas.   Ada banyak payung-payung.
There are more candies.   Ada lebih banyak permen-permen.
There are very a lot of ties.   Ada sangat banyak dasi-dasi.
There are two sacks of butter.   Ada 2 karung gula.
There are four glasses.   Ada 4 kaca mata.
There are thirty three goats.   Ada 33 kambing-kambing.
There are five plates of rice.   Ada 5 piring nasi.

The days in a week
Herry: good morning miss, how are you?
Dona: fine, thank you.
Herry: what day is today?
Dona: today is Sunday.
Herry: what day is tomorrow?
Dona: tomorrow is Monday.
Herry: what day is after Tuesday?
Dona: the day is Wednesday.
Herry: what day is after Thursday?
Dona: the day is Friday.
Herry: what day is after Saturday?
Dona: the day is Sunday.
Herry: what day is yesterday
Dona: yesterday is Saturday.
There is a devotion on Sunday.   
Ada ibadah di hari minggu.
There is a flag ceremony on Monday.   
Ada upacara bendara di hari senin.
There is an English event on Tuesday.   
Ada lomba bahasa inggris di hari selasa.
There is a race on Wednesday.   
Ada balapan di hari rabu.
There is an examination on Thursday.   
Ada ujian di hari kamis.
There is a wedding on Friday.   
Ada pernikahan di hari jumad.
There is a party on Saturday.   
Ada pesta di hari sabtu.
There is an inspection on Sunday night.   
Ada pemeriksaan di malam minggu.

The months in a year
January         there is January after december
February       there is February after january
March           there is march after february
April             there is april after march.
May                there is may after april.
June                there is june after may.
July                 there is july after june.
August               there is august before september.
September         there is September before October.
October             there is October before November.
November        there is November before December.
December         there is December before January.
The special days
Independence day: hari kemerdekaan        
on seventeenth on august

Heroes day: hari pahlawan                   
on fifth of november
Mothers day: hari ibu                             
on twenty second on december
Passover/easter: hari paskah
Lebaran day: hari lebaran
Christmas day: hari natal                   
on twenty fifth of december
Valentine day: hari valentin/kasih sayang     
on fourteenth of february
Holyday: hari libur
Pancasila sanctity day: hari kesaktian pancasila           
on first of october
Armed force day: hari angkatan bersenjata            
on fifth of october
National reawakening day: hari kebangkitan nasional      
on twentieth of may
Youth pledge day: hari sumpah pemuda        
on twenty eighth on october
National education day: hari pendidikan nasional

Try to make these sentences in English.
1. Ada banyak pesta di hari minggu.
2. Ada banyak siswa di hari pendidikan nasional.
3. Ada banyak tentara di hari angkatan bersenjata.
4. Ada pesta ulang tahun saya di bulan july.
5. Ada sangat banyak cokelat di hari valentine.
6. Ada banyak polisi di jalan hari ini.
7. Ada lebih banyak wisatawan di hari libur.
8. Ada lebih banyak telur di hari paskah.
9. Ada sebelas guru di bulan January.
10. Ada nenek di hari rabu sore.

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