Thursday 18 October 2018

Revival English Course 9 - Sentence about “there, that-those, and this-these.”

Grammar/ tata bahasa
Sentence about “there, that-those, and this-these.”
     Kita masih harus memantapkan pengenalan dan pengetahuan serta kemampuan kita dalam membuat kalimat dengan kata penunjuk there, ditambah kata penunjuk that/those (itu) dan this/these (ini). Kita dapat mengkombinasikannya dengan keterangan jumlah dalam kalimat. Berikut ini adalah contoh-contohnya:
a.       Dengan kata penunjuk there
There are books.
There are four  rhinoceroses.
There are six big elephants.
There are a lot of flowers.
There are some papers.
There are some salt.
There is a journalist.
There is a hunter.
There is a lieutenant.
There is an official.
There is a stewardess.
b.      Dengan kata penunjuk that/itu (untuk tunggal)
That is a stewardship.
That is a millionaire.
That is a gambler.
That is a smoker.
That is a drunkard.
That is a killer.
That is a portal.
That is a lance.
That is a shield.
That is a portico (serambi).
That is a portion (emas kawin).
c.       Dengan kata penunjuk this/ini (untuk tunggal)
This is a poulpe (cumi-cumi).
This is a cat.
This is a bat.
This is an ant.
This is a rat.
This is a rabbit.
This is a hawk.
This is a crocodile.
This is an owl.
d.      Dengan kata penunjuk those/itu (jamak)
Those are mangustas.
Those are mangoes.
Those are pineapples.
Those are potatoes.
Those are helmets.
Those are cucumbers.
Those are tuberous plants.
e.      dengan kata penunjuk these/ini (jamak)
these are coconuts.
These are peanuts.
These are lizards.
These are mushrooms.
These are gutters (got).
These are octopuses.

Buatlah masing-masing lima kalimat dengan kata penunjuk there, that, this, those, dan these. Akan sangat baik jika anda menyertakan pula dengan kata keterangan waktu, jumlah ataupun tempat seperti yang telah kita pelajari lalu. Carilah di dalam kamus untuk kata-kata benda yang baru agar memperluas wawasan vocabulary/perbendaharaan kata anda.

Conversation and reading/ Percakapan dan membaca
Introduce/ perkenalan
Berikut ini adalah ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan dengan orang yang sudah kita kenal.
How are you?
I am very well, thank you.
I am fine, thank you.
I am pretty well, thank you.
I am quite well, thank you.
Atau dapat juga dijawab singkat dengan:
very well, thanks.
Fine, thanks.
Just fine, thanks.
Pretty well, thanks.
Quite well, thanks.

Contoh singkat:
Roland: good afternoon Mr. kim.
Kim: good afternoon.
Roland: how are you?
Kim: I am fine, thank you.
Dialogue of introducing:
Bill: halo, my name is Bill, and you, what’s your name?
Jill: my name is Jill, where do you come from?
Bill: I come from Tondano, and you where do you come from?
Jill: I come from Chicago in USA.
Bill: it’s so far from here, could I introduce one boy to you?
Jill: yes, where is he?
Bill: wait a minutes, I”ll comeback.
(after some minutes, bill come with lerry).
Bill: Jill, this is lerry.
Jill: hallo, my name is jill.
Lerry: hy, my name is lerry.
Jill: it’s nice to meet all of you.
Bill and lerry: it’s nice to met you too, se you next time.
Jill: o.k, see you next time, good night.

Next, we will learn about expression of introduce. There are two kinds of expression of introduce, formal expression and informal exspression.

The beginning of knowledge is the fear to the Lord.

Remember it always and still believe that Lord Jesus is the source of wisdom and knowledge Who inspires your live and guide you everytime.

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