Saturday 6 October 2018


Sk kel : Nomor 14/A3.2019/II/2015
Sk Dinas Pendidikan : 93/UPTD/TU/4 - 2015

Grammar/tata bahasa
There sebagai adverb of place/kata keterangan tempat
Sebelumnya kita telah mengenal banyak tentang there sebagai kata pengantar yang berarti ada dan terletak di depan kalimat. Sekarang kita akan mengenal there sebagai kata keterangan tempat yang berarti di sana dan terletak di belakang kalimat.
Contoh kalimat:
Bentuk tunggal/singular:
There is a bee there.         Ada seekor lebah di sana.
There is an announcer there.     Ada seorang penyiar radio di sana.
There is a frog there.    Ada seekor katak di sana.
Bentuk jamak/plural yang lebih dari satu:
There are bees there.    Ada lebah-lebah di sana.
There are watches there.   Ada arloji-arloji di sana.
There are parties there.    Ada pesta-pesta di sana.
There are bushes there.    Ada semak-semak di sana.
There are taylors there.     Ada tukang-tukang jahit di sana.

Dapat juga di gabung atau dilengkapi dengan kata keterangan waktu dan kata keterangan jumlah ataupun kata keterangan tempat pelengkap.
Keterangan waktu:
There are bees there at the afternoon.
Ada lebah di sana pada sore hari.
There are potatoes there at the morning.
Ada kentang-kentang di sana pada pagi hari.
There are toys there on Monday.
Ada mainan-mainan di sana pada hari senin.
keterangan jumlah:
There are two cookers there.      Ada dua tukang masak di sana.
There are three ladies there.    Ada tiga gadis di sana.
There are six donkeys there.    Ada enam ekor keledai di sana.
Keterangan tempat pelengkap:
there is an oarsman there, in the boat.
Ada seorang pendayung di sana, di dalam perahu.
There is a chopping knife there, on the icebox.
Ada sebuah parang di sana, di atas kulkas.
There is a salesman there, in the market.                  
Ada seorang penjual di sana, di sebuah pasar.
There is a thief there, in the prison.
Ada seorang pencuri di sana, di penjara.
There is a girl there, in the living room.

What colour is their univorm?     its colour is white.
What colour is the book?   its colour is purple.
What colour is trash bin?    its colour is green.
What colours are the dog’s kennel?      its colours are black and grey.
What colours are your shoes?  its colours are red and brown.
What colours are the rainbow? its colours are red, yellow, and green.
What colours are your car?   its colours are orange and pink.
What colours is your embroidery?    Its colour are purple and blue.
What colours do you want?       The colours are red and blue.
What colours don’t you want?     The colours are black and pink.
What colour do you have?        The colour is brown.
What colour don’t you have?       The colour is pink.
Vocabulary/perbendaharaan kata
1.       Black: hitam
Dark black: hitam pekat
Sweet black: hitam manis
Blackish: kehitam-hitaman
2.       Blue: biru
Navy blue: biru laut
Black blue: biru lebam
Light blue: biru muda                                       
Dark blue: biru tua
3.       White: putih
White snowish: putih salju
White as egg: putih telur
Light white: putih terang
Clear white: putih bersih
Grey white: putih pekat
Dark white: putih keruh
Withish: keputih-putihan
4.       Green: hijau
Dark green: hijau tua
Light green: hijau muda
Greenish: kehijau-hijauan
5.       Brown: cokelat
Dark brown: cokelat tua          
Light brown: cokelat muda
Brownish: kecokelat-cokelatan
6.       Violet/Purple: ungu
Dark purple: ungu tua
Light purple: ungu muda
Purplish: keungu-unguan
7.       Yellow: kuning
Creamy: kuning langsat
Yolk colour: kuning telur
Dark yellow: kuning tua
Light yellow: kuning muda
Yellowish: kekuning-kuninagn
8.       Red: merah
Dark red: merah tua
Light red: merah terang
Pink: merah muda
Crimson: merah ungu
Fleming: merah padam
Blood red: merah darah
Reddish: kemerah-merahan
9.       Orange: oranye
Dark orange: oranye tua
Light orange: oranye muda
Orangish: keoranye-oranyean
10.   Grey: abu-abu
Dark grey: abu-abu tua
Light grey: abu-abu muda
Grayish: keabu-abuan.

11.   Pinkish: kemerah-mudahan

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