Saturday 27 October 2018


Grammar/ tata bahasa
Vocabulary of Common noun/ perbendaharaan kata benda umum
Parts of body/ bagian-bagian tubuh
Head: kepala                    hair: rambut                           nose: hidung
Eye:   mata                        ear: telinga                             lip: bibir
Mouth: mulut                 cheek: pipi                             chin: dagu
Tooth: gigi                                     dentin: tulang gigi    
denture: susunan gigi                Artificial tooth: gigi palsu     
nostril: lubang hidung                    pore: lubang kulit
Eardrum: anak telinga                  earshell: daun telinga
fluff: bulu roma                            Neck hair: bulu leher
eyeball: biji mata                      eyelash: bulu mata
Eyebrow: alis mata                       neck: leher
mustache: kumis                        Beard: jenggot
whiskers: jambang                        earlap: cuping telinga
Tongue: lidah                                    gum: gusi
throat: kerongkongan                  larynx: tenggorokan
wind pipe: batang tenggorokan          skull: tengkorak
chest: dada (laki-laki)                    breast: dada (perempuan)
heart: jantung                             lungs: paru-paru
bone: tulang                                 stomach: perut
gastric: lambung                      hip: pinggang
knee: lutut kaki                       leg: betis kaki
foot: telapak kaki                        toes: jari kaki
toesnail: kuku kaki                    hand: tangan
arm: lengan                           elbow: siku lengan
vein/tendon: urat                    caif: jantung betis
ankle joint: mata kaki                armpit: ketiak
armpit hair: bulu ketiak              neel: tumit kaki
nose hair: bulu hidung                  palm: telapak
back bone: tulang punggung
kidney: ginjal                          adrenal: anak ginjal
renal calculus: batu ginjal          gastic juice: getah lambung
intestine: usus                             bowels: isi perut
large intestine: usus besar              small intestine: usus halus
appendix: usus buntu                     liver: hati
stomach pit: ulu hati                  pancreas: pankreas
arse: dubur/anus                      penis: kelamin (lelaki)
vagina: kelamin (perempuan)     testicle: buah pelir
thigh: paha                             fontanel: ubun-ubun
fingers: jari                          thumb: ibu jari
middle finger: jari tengah              ring finger: jari manis
forefinger: jari telunjuk          little finger: jari kelingking
tarsus: pangkal kaki              nipple: putting susu
awn: janggut                         muscle: otot
blood: darah                    soul: jiwa
spirit: roh                           blood vessels: urat darah
Achilles tendon: urat keting         jugular vein: urat merih
Nerve: urat syaraf                    radical artery: urat nadi
Skeleton: susunan tulang/kerangka        chestbone: tulang dada (laki-laki)
Breastbone: tulang dada (perempuan)       spine: tulang punggung
Shinbone: tulang betis         knuckle: tulang jari
Coccyx: tulang ekor                 ulna: tulang hasta
Sacrum: tulang kelangka      groin: selangkangan
Shoulder: pundak
Shoulder blade: tulang lembusir
Radius: tulang pengumpil
Cheekbone: tulang pipi
Jawbone: tulang rahang
Jaw: rahang

Rib: tulang rusuk
Collarbone: tulang selangka
Cartilage/gristle: tulang rawan/muda
Joint: tulang sendi
Ankle foot: pergelangan kaki
Ankle hand: pergelangan tangan
Filament: tali pusar
Dimple: lesung pipt
Skin: kulit
Outer skin: kulit ari
Foreskin: kulit khatan

My body is healthy
    Hy friend, my name is Budi. I am ten years old. My body is complete. I have a normally head and two eyes. I have a mouth and two nostrils. I am forbidden to read at the evening on five until six o’clock because my mother says that my eyes will become wrong if I usual read in those times. I always eat the healthy food and I often drink a fresh water. I must keep healthy my mouth and my teeth, so that I always brush my teeth every day. I can taste a lot of feed and dishes by my tongue. I can taste
the delicious tart and how delicious the fried cakalang that be cooked by my mother.
     I have two hands and I use it for doing my daily activities at school and at my house. I don’t like to hit any friends or strangkle the other friends. I know that God has made me completely for doing a lot of goodness. I can do the daily work in my house and I can write the lesson in my study with my hand. I have ten fingers, and all is functionable well.
     I keep healthy my body by some sports. The ones sport that I like to play is football. That is a common sport that I know and that is a cheap sport. We just need a ball and a yard then we could play it. I very enjoy to kick the ball and run around the yard as the other friends in the game. I play excited although sometimes my feet get wound or be sprained. I realize that I could not be over to play it.

     I give thank to God that He had created me well and completely. I don’t want to be careless to keep healthy my body. I don’t want to be guilty to use this body. My feet is created for going to the church not for going to the gambling house or the other bad places. My eyes and my ears are set for studying not only for playing a long time moreover playing the violence game. I give thank to Lord Jesus that creates me as His good Creation, and as His child. My name is Budy and this is my little story for you.

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