Monday, 8 October 2018


Grammar/tata bahasa
Kata “there” dan “here” dalam kalimat negatif (kalimat ingkar), dan dalam kalimat tanya.

     Setelah kita mengenal dan menguasai there sebagai kata pengantar yang berarti “ada” dan sebagai kata keterangan tempat yang berarti di sana, dan serta kita mengenal pula “here” sebagai kata keterangan tempat yang berarti “di sini” dalam kalimat positif atau peryataan, maka sekarang kita akan masuk pada pengenalan bentuk kalimat ingkarnya dan kalimat tanya yang dalam pertemuan lalu sudah sempat kita singgung.

Kalimat negatif (negative sentence):
     Kita hanya perlu menambahkan kata not yang berarti tidak setelah to be is atau are.
Contoh kalimat:
1.       There sebagai kata pengantar (introductory).
There is not a floor clothe in the warehouse.
There isn’t  a towel in the bathroom.
There are not erasers on the desk.
There aren’t  erasers on the desk.
2.       There sebagai kata keterangan tempat (adverb of place).
There is not an inn there.
There isn’t a hotel there.
There are not pillars there.
There isn’t a little river there.
3.       Here, kata keterangan tempat.
There is not a chopping knife here.
There isn’t a bottle of vinegar here.
There are not bracelets here.
There aren’t bracelets here.
Kalimat tanya (interrogative sentence):
     Kita hanya perlu memindahkan to be is atau are di depan kalimat hingga membuat kalimat tersebut menjadi kalimat pertanyaan.
Contoh kalimat:
1.       There sebagai kata pengantar (introductory).
Is there a floor clothe in the warehouse?
Is there a towel in the bathroom?
Are there erasers on the desk?
Are there smiths in this village?
2.       There sebagai kata keterangan tempat (adverb of place).
Is there a bee there?
Is there a butcher there?
Are there dykes there?
Are there stamps there?
3.       Here, kata keterangan tempat.
Is there a seal here?
Is there a squib here?
Are there cloves here?
Are there arenga palms here?

Conversation and reading/ Percakapan dan membaca
Dialogue expression on the telephone.
1.       Pick up the telephone.    Angkat telepon.
2.       Dial the numbers/ press the numbers.     Tekanlah nomornya.
3.       Replace the hand set.    Letakkan kembali gagang teleponnya.
4.       Wrong numbers.     Nomor yang salah atau salah sambung.
5.       The line is busy.     Jalur sedang sibuk.
6.       Hold the line, please.    Harap, tunggu sebentar.
7.       Could you put the through to numbers 8194257, please?
               Bolehkah anda menghubungkan dengan nomor 8194257?
8.       Jhon is speaking.   Jhon sedang berbicara.
9.       Who is speaking there?   Siapa berbicara di sana?
10.    Can I speak to mr. Brown, please?
Bisakah saya bercerita dengan tuan Brown?
11.   Could I talk with bony, please?
Bolehkah saya bercakap dengan bony?
12.   Can I talk to your brother, please?
Bisakah saya bercerita dengan saudaramu laki-laki?
13.   Could I speak to your step sister for a minute?
Bolehkah saya berbicara pada saudara tiri perempuanmu sejenak?
14.   Hang up the telephone.    Gantungkan telepon.

Billy: “hello, could I talk with herry for a minute?”
Someone: “yes, wait a minute, I call him.”

Herry: “hello, who is there?”
Billy: “hello herry, this is billy. We haven’t been together for a long time. now I will invite you to go to my garden in Tondano. Would you like to go there?”
Herry: “oh yes, why do you invite me to go there? What is there in your garden? Do you have a party?”
Billy: “yes, my mother will celebrate her birthday. I could invite some friends. I have invited Tony, Chery, Gigs, and I hope you will be there. The party will begin at six thirty this afternoon.”
Herry: “ok, that’s allright, I will come, but can I know, what’s time the party be over?
Billy: “the party will be over around at eighty thirty. Can’t you go there?”
Herry: “yes I can, thanks friend, I will have come.”
Billy: “ok, thank you. I will wait you, bye.”
Herry: “bye bye.”

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