Monday, 8 October 2018


Grammar/tata bahasa
D. operation numbers/ operasi angka

Operasi angka ini adalah penambahan, pengurangan, pembagian, dan perkalian dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini akan sangat berguna pula dalam percakapan sehari-hari yang membutuhkan ungkapan secara operasi angka.
a.       Penambahan
3 + 2 = 5       three plus two are five.
40 + 35 = 75     fourty plus thirty five are seventy five.
120 + 990 = 1110
One hundred twenty plus nine hundreds ninety are one thousand one hundred and ten.
Sekarang kita tambahkan dengan kata benda ataupun objek lainnya.
Four girl students plus six boy students are ten students.
Three doves in the cage plus two doves on the roof are five doves.
Fourteen taylors in my town plus seven the originator taylors in your village are twenty one taylors.
Two books plus three diaries are five books and diaries.
b.      Pengurangan
5 – 2 = 3     five minus two are three
16 – 5 = 11    sixteen minus five are eleven.
2450 – 1650 = 800
Two thousands four hundreds and fifty minus one thousands six hundreds and fifty are eight hundreds.
Sekarang kita tambahkan dengan kata benda ataupun objek lainnya.
Three cabbages minus one cabbage are two cabbages.
Fourteen boxes of carrot minus two boxes of carrot are twelve boxes of carrot.
Seventy bonds of kangkoong minus sixty one bonds of kangkoong are nine bonds of kangkoong.
c.       Perkalian
Perkalian memiliki dua pilihan arti, bisa pakai multiplied by dan bisa juga pakai times.
7 x 5 = 35     seven times five are thirty five.
15 x 2 = 30    Fifteen times two are thirty.
Sekarang kita tambahkan kata benda ataupun objek lainnya.
Four breads times two breads are eight breads.
Thirteen nails times three are thirty nine nails.
Twenty two maps times four are eighty eight maps.
Seven ranks times ten are seventy ranks.
d.      Pembagian
8 : 2 = 4       eight divided by two are four.
120 : 60 = one hundred twenty divided by sixty are two.
Sekarang kita tambahkan kata benda ataupun objek lainnya.
Seventy mugs divided by seven mugs are ten.
Two hundreds boards divided by fifty boards are four.
Sixteen young men divided by four young men are four young men.
Fourty hangers divided by five hangers are eight hangers.

Reading and Conversation/ membaca dan percakapan
1.       Cardinal number
untuk cara membaca nomor rumah, nomor telepon, nomor sepatu dan ukuran lainnya.
a.       Phone number – 0812 4037 1467
       Zero eight one two four zero three seven one four six seven
b.      Addres and house number – I live at jalan Anggrek 40 (fourty), house number 433 (four three three).
c.       Year/tahun dengan kata depannya in.
1982   nineteen eighty two
1734   seventeen thirty four
1999   nineteen ninety nine
2002   two thousands two
2014   two thousands fourteen
2.       Ordinal number
What date is today? Tanggal berapa sekarang?
Today is 2nd of march 2015.
Today is the second of march two thousands fifteen.
It is 16th of august 2015.
It is the sixteenth of august two thousands fifteen.
3.       Fraction number
I have a half (1/2) litre of rice.
Saya memiliki setengah liter beras.
She has a fourth sack of cotton.
Dia memiliki seperempat karung kapas.
His finish time is 5.8 minutes.
His finish time is five point eigh minutes.
The racer needs 12.33 minutes to reach the finish line.
The racer needs twelve point thirty three minutes to reach the finish line.
Jika untuk penghitungan matematis maka dibaca per angka tetapi jika untuk hitungan waktu maka dibaca biasa, contoh:
Matematis - 3.3 + 3.33 = 6.36
three point three plus three point three three are six point thre six.
I can run around stadion in 10.56 minutes.

I can run around stadion in ten point fifty six minutes.

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